Frank and his Wife Joyce Brown Calicura 1943.

Joyce Calicura with her friend "Anne", Martinez, 1943.

Flight Officer Frank Calicura, East Coast Flight Training, 1944.

Lt. Frank Calicura (left) with his brother Chief Petty Officer Nick Calicura of the Navy. Martinez, Ca 1944.

Lt. Frank Calicura meets with his brother at a New York base while waiting for assignment, 1944.

Lt Frank Calicura with his brother Lt. Dominic Calicura. Martinez, Calif. 1944.

Lt. Frank Calicura greets Capt. David Olsson (middle) before take off. March. 1945. Horham Airbase.

Flight record of Frank's certified by David E.Olsson.

37 B-17's 95th B.G (13th Combat Wing) seen in formation leaving contrails.

2nd LT. Frank Calicura's Officer I.D

Unidentified 95th B.G Crew Officer.

95th B.G over Brunswick, Germany

Ariel photos over German targets.

I received your letter of Marth 30th, and very glad of course to hear from you. At the present time my crew has been on 28 combat missions over the Reich, paying our respects to Adolf and the boys. With Only seven more to go, we're really looking forward to returning to the States, if even for a short time. "The Spirit" as we call her, has been stood down since yesterday, being out of commission temporarily. They changed one of her engines, the third after nearly 50 combat missions and over 400 combat hours to her credit. We can brag about her Ray, in all those missions, not once did we or those others who were fortunate to fly her, have to turn back; abort as we call it.
One Reason for that is, and I'd say the most important, is the pride of the crew chief and ground crew take in their work, for they know how much she means to us.
I know the next Bond Drive will be a successful as No.6. I wish the people at home knew how much it means, perhaps they do knowing "our ship" is part of their efforts.
Things here in the European Theatre, certainly are looking bright and I hope it ends before long. Then we can put forth our entire efforts in destroying our other enemy.
Ray, we should be the honored ones, in having the people at home asking us to name it after our town. I sincerely hope that all the boys from home are able to be with their families in the near future.
Thanks again for the letter and I, too, am thinking of Martinez and all of you. See all of you soon, I hope, and 'til then good luck to all of you.
- Local newspaper

T/SGT Earle Bogacki Engineer and Top Turret of the "Spirit of Martinez".

The wallet given to Frank Calicura and his crew.

Lt. Frank Calicura (pilot) Lt. John R. Barnes( Nav.) and Lt. Victor G. Probst ( co-pilot), walking down Oxford Street, London, England. Feb, 1945.

"Cal's Rascals" aka the "Spirit of Martinez" crew members.